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Date: 03. February 2016

Good Looking Guy Who Earns Less? Good Luck!
Women Refuse to Date Men Who Earn Less Than Them

Apparently, single women won’t date a man (regardless of how good looking he happens to be) if they find out that he earns less than they do. This is at least according to a survey carried out by The Inner Circle, a dating app based in London.

The survey was carried out on 2,000 women. The results saw that 60% would not go on a second date with a guy, if what they were earning was less than theirs. The opposite could be seen from men, however: they were much less concerned with cash. 96% of guys told the researchers that a woman with a bigger salary wouldn’t bother them.

Regarding the concept of “going Dutch” (whereby both parties pay half or at least pay for what they’ve had), 75% of women state that they have offered to pay.

On the other hand, 50% of men on the hunt for love admitted that they expected both parties to split the expense. However, the research stated that men who did expect to go Dutch could be posing a risk to themselves (or filtering out people they’d rather not date… which is understandable if there’s anything to be said for equality).

41% of women announced that they would certainly refuse a second date if men expected that both parties wanted to go Dutch.

The Inner Circle -a dating site that you can only join via invitation- was set up by David Vermeulen. He states, “The moment the bill arrives on a first date can always be a very tricky situation.” He states that he is from the Netherlands, however the concept of "going Dutch" is not something that he adheres to. According to him, it is simply not done.

The advice from Vermeulen to guys is clear: it is always best to offer to pay. Should the woman insist on a contribution, then by all means go ahead.


Source: Express.co.uk

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