So, Here Are Our Tips for an Outstanding Online Dating Profile!
Tip #1: Imagine your online personals to be an ad in a glossy magazine
Stand out amongst the trash!
With you as the product that needs to stand out from the crowd of fantastically designed adverts! You are, in a way, selling yourself and therefore need to look your best and most appealing. After all, once you've sent your first message, what do you think the other user will do? Of course they'll want to take a look at your profile!
Tip #2: Adding a photo is an absolute must!
It's also a good idea to use a high quality camera!
A good profile photo is a must these days. There is literally no excuse not have one: every smartphone, every computer and every tablet has a camera. That being said, make sure to actually take some time to craft your profile photo and ensure that it shows the best and sexiest side of you!
Tip #3: The headline is the key to success!
An online dating headline is crucial to giving other singles a bit of insight into who you are. Like your photo, you will probably want to take some time to consider it. Favourite quotes, personal phrases or indeed anything that you think will capture attention and leave a positive impression are always good places to start!
Tip #4: Avoid negative formulations
These include phrases such, as "Actually, I’m not really into online dating and I’m just trying this out for a laugh…" "Don’t message me if…" and then give a Biblical list of reasons. There’s nothing wrong with having preferences about who should message you, but don’t come off as bitter, angry or overly picky. This will just frighten other singles away from your profile!
Tip #5: You should also avoid unlikely exaggerations
Don't lie outright: the truth has a nasty way of catching up.
OK, not many people exaggerate to ridiculous proportions, but try not to go over the top or tell outright lies that potential matches will probably discover within seconds of meeting you (height is a good example!). It is simply best to be honest but also accentuate (not exaggerate!) your good points!
Tip #6: Phrase your dating personals positively and strikingly!
This is more of an expansion on the last point, but it deserves its own paragraph: Really give thought to it beforehand and create a short, precise, positive and honest dating personal ad. Try to imagine what expectations the reader of your profile could have, and what you could fulfill.
Tip #7: Personal details: Who are you and who are you looking for?
You must stand out, but you don't have to reveal EVERYTHING rightaway!
Now you have the chance to present yourself in more detail. The reader must feel drawn by the profile, insofar as they really want to find out more and get to know you. The number of competitors that you have on dating sites is huge. Once again: Make an effort when creating your dating personals and your profile in order to stand out against the other singles!
Tip #8: Create a list of your qualities that you and others cherish
Think about your friends and what they like about you. Hell, why not ask them? It’s good to get a (somewhat) objective view of your positive traits. Yes, this involves doing a bit of outer soul-searching, but it’s worth it. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but it’ll give you useful material to post up on your dating profile!
Tip #9: The goal of dating personals is the response
Overall, your endgame is to get a reply to the messages you send out (or, even better, being the one to get messages first!). Your statements should provoke a (positive) response from the readers. You also want to learn more about the other person and see if you two would end up as a good match for whatever you’re both looking for.
Now, how about we revisit photos briefly?
A Few Tips Regarding Your Dating Profile Photo:
It is good to keep the following points in mind when taking your profile photo!
- Think of a job application: If you were to put a photograph on your CV or resume, would you put up any old picture? No: you would ensure that you look well-groomed and presentable. We’re not saying that you should use a formal, stiff picture on your dating profile, but choose one that fits. Casual is fine, but try to capture your best side and ultimately make a bit of an effort! Try to imagine how others will perceive it.
- Don’t worry about your imperfections: there are lots of old, chubby and 'unattractive' people on dating sites. Remember, beauty is relative and not everyone finds the same things attractive. Be honest, but in your photo try to highlight your best physical qualities.
These days, a professional photo isn’t necessary. It’s definitely a step in the right direction and one we would recommend, however there are many more possibilities: your smartphone, tablet or any digital camera you have lying around. Just make sure to look friendly and approachable!
And just a couple more tips to help you on your way:
- Consider using a sort of 'every day' image: you doing the gardening, during sport or talking a leisurely walk on the beach/in the mountains.
- Consider what you want: online dating personals, or are you on a matchmaking site? Interested in casual/adult dating? Make sure your photo fits to the site or app you're using!
- Show your true colours!
- Smile!
- Just one person: multiple people in your photos may put a lot of singles off! (Unless, of course, you are a polyamorous couple looking for a third…)
- Avoid photo collages.
- Avoid silly frames.
- Cartoons are an absolute no-no.
- Nude photos: For most dating sites, this is not a good idea. There are a couple that accept them, but even then we’d recommend that you go more in the erotic direction than sleazy (and perhaps leave at least a little to the imagination).
Henning Wiechers 
has been observing the UK dating market since 2007. He is among the top opinion leaders in the industry.
Any questions...?
Contact him!
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